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Monday, June 16, 2014

Kudalu Flower

Kudalu Flower (Impatiens flaccida)

Photographer - Ms Lalani

Date : 2014-06-06
Time : 2.32 pm
Location : Sri Lanka, Kothmale

 It comes from the southern part of India, where it grows in the mountains of the Western Ghats, from the island of Sri Lanka. As gone wild sometimes occurs in other parts of the tropics, for example, on the island of Réunion. Ecology: Humid tropical scrub and forests, largely on polostinných or shady places. Description: The herb with fleshy stems bald, growing to a height of about 50 cm. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, the blade is ovate to lanceolate, 3-8 cm long and 2-3.5 cm broad, dark green. With sunken veins, on the edge finely serrated, pointed at the top. The flowers are 3-4 cm large, vividly pink with darker mouth; The sepals are lanceolate, the lower sepal is elongated into a thin curved spurs; upper crown ticket forms the upper lip is obsrdčitý, carved at the top, side roof-shaped leaves are arranged and directed downward. The capsule is up to 18 mm long.

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